


铬矿砂Cr Sand AFS 45-55 铸钢件面砂

铬矿砂Cr Sand AFS 45-55 铸钢件面砂是一种非硅质的铸造面砂和型砂。铬矿砂AFS 45-55的主要成分是天然的铬铁矿,伴生有氧化铁和氧化铝。经过水洗和四遍磁选后,铬矿砂厂家会控制二氧化硅和泥沙含量,使之更适用于铸造领域。铸

铬矿砂Cr Sand AFS 45-55 铸钢件面砂

       铬矿砂Cr Sand AFS 45-55 铸钢件面砂是一种非硅质的铸造面砂和型砂。铬矿砂AFS 45-55的主要成分是天然的铬铁矿,伴生有氧化铁和氧化铝。经过水洗和四遍磁选后,铬矿砂厂家会控制二氧化硅和泥沙含量,使之更适用于铸造领域。铸造用的铬砂具有烧结温度高、防止化学渗透、热传导性能优异、遇热膨胀小的特点。铬矿砂AFS 45/55(50-100#)主要用于大型厚壁铸件的面层砂、铸件易粘砂部分的芯砂、浇注温度高的铸钢件合金铸钢件的型砂等方面。

 Cr Sand AFS 45-55 is a non siliceous casting surface sand and molding sand. The main component of chromite sand AFS 45-55 is natural chromite, accompanied by iron oxide and aluminum oxide. After water washing and four rounds of magnetic separation, the chrome ore sand manufacturer will control the content of silicon dioxide and sediment to make it more suitable for the casting field. Chromium sand used in casting has the characteristics of high sintering temperature, prevention of chemical penetration, excellent thermal conductivity, and small thermal expansion when encountering heat. Chromite sand AFS 45/55 (50-100 #) is mainly used for surface sand of large thick wall castings, core sand of easily sticky sand parts of castings, and alloy steel castings with high pouring temperature. In terms of molding sand and other aspects of the product.
铬矿砂AFS 45-55(Chrome ore sand AFS 45/55)的性能特点
  1. 高熔点,烧结温度高
  2. 优异的热稳定性
  3. 高密度,比重大 
  4. 中等莫氏硬度5.5
  5. 热传导能力强
  6. 热膨胀系数低
The characteristics of Cr sand AFS 45/55:
1. High melting point, high sintering temperature
2. Excellent thermal stability
3. High density, high density -
4. Medium Mohs hardness 5.5
5. Strong thermal conductivity
6. Low coefficient of thermal expansion

铬矿砂AFS 45-55(Chrome ore sand AFS 45/55)的技术参数:
  1. 化学成分
Cr2O3 (三氧化二铬) ≥ 46%
SiO2(二氧化硅) ≤ 1.0%
FeO(氧化铁) ≤ 26.5%
Cr:Fe (铬铁比) ≥1.5:1
MgO(氧化镁) ≤ 10%
CaO(氧化钙) ≤ 0.3%
Al2O3(三氧化二铝) ≤ 15.5%
P(磷) ≤30 ppm
S(硫) ≤30 ppm
Cr/Fe(铬铁比) ≥ 1.55:1

莫氏硬度(Mohs Hardness) 5.5-6
熔点(Melting Point) 2180 ℃
烧结温度(Sintering Point) >1800℃
比重(Specific Gravity) 4.0-4.8 g/cm3
堆积密度 (Bulk Density LPD) 2.5-3 g/cm3
颜色(Color) 黑色(Black)
PH值(PH Value) 7-9
导热系数(Thermal conductivity) 0.63 W/M·K
热膨胀率(Thermal Expansion Rate)(1000℃) 0.6%
酸耗值(Acid Demand Value ADV) ≤ 5ML
浑浊度(turbidity)(JTU) ≤ 110
含泥量(Soil content) ≤ 0.1%
含水量(Moisture) ≤ 0.1%

铬矿砂AFS 45-55(Chrome ore sand AFS 45/55)的粒度分布如下:

目数 筛上占比
+40mesh(425um) 2.40%
+50mesh(300um) 36.80%
+70mesh(212um) 41.70%
+100mesh(150um) 13.70%
+140mesh(106um) 3.20%
细度 AFS 50.184
铬矿砂Chrome ore sand的其他型号:
国内常规粒度:10-20目 20-40目,20-60目,30-70目,40-70目,50-100目、70-140目,140-270目 0-1mm 200目,325目,400目,70#-0
出口常规粒度:AFS 25-35 AFS 25-30 AFS 30-35 AFS 35-40 AFS 40-45 AFS 45-50 AFS 40-50 AFS 50-55 AFS 55-60 AFS 60-65 0-1mm 200# 325#,400#


铬矿砂AFS 45-55(Chrome ore sand AFS 45/55)的应用范围:
1. 大型厚壁型铸件铸造:铬矿砂配合砂型铸造、呋喃树脂自硬砂、水玻璃自硬砂等工艺,用于体积重量大的铸铁件和铸钢件,可以使铸件按既定的顺序进行冷却,有利于提高铸件内部的紧密度,增强铸件的强度。此外,对于使用硅砂的工艺,可在容易出现气孔、脉纹的关键部位,使用铬矿砂作为面砂代替硅砂,可以有效防止裂纹、气孔等铸造缺陷。
2. 消失模铸造。在消失模铸造中,选用铬矿砂,可以防止石英砂铸造造成的夹砂、粘砂等缺陷。用于制造高铬铸钢、高锰钢材质的阀门、叶轮等铸件。
3. 壳型铸造:铬矿砂可用于壳型铸造中复杂部件的芯砂材料,制作砂芯。用于生产高精度、表面光滑的304,316不锈钢铸件和碳钢精密铸件等,可以有效防止铸件内腔的粘砂问题。
4. 砂型铸造:铬砂还可以用于砂型铸造,如型砂铸造、水玻璃自硬砂砂型铸造等,用于生产各种大中小型零件,如泵体、管道、阀门等。

1. Large scale thick walled casting: Chromite sand combined with sand casting, furan resin self hardening sand, water glass self hardening sand and other processes are used for large volume and weight cast iron and steel castings. It can cool the castings in a predetermined order, which is conducive to improving the internal tightness of the castings and enhancing their strength. In addition, for the process of using silica sand, chrome ore sand can be used as surface sand instead of silica sand in key areas where porosity and veins are prone to occur, which can effectively prevent casting defects such as cracks and porosity.
2. Lost foam casting. In lost foam casting, using chrome sand can prevent defects such as sand inclusion and sticking caused by quartz sand casting. Used for manufacturing castings such as valves and impellers made of high chromium cast steel and high manganese steel materials.
3. Shell casting: Chromite sand can be used as a core sand material for complex components in shell casting, making sand cores. Used for producing high-precision, smooth surface 304316 stainless steel castings and carbon steel precision castings. It can effectively prevent the problem of sand sticking in the inner cavity of castings.
4. Sand casting: Chromite sand can also be used for sand casting, such as sand casting, water glass self hardening sand casting, etc., to produce various large, medium, and small parts, such as pump bodies, pipelines, valves, etc.         

铬矿砂AFS 45-55(Chrome ore sand AFS 45/55)的生产和包装:

